Indigenous Little Brown Skin Black Girls Sovereign Constitutional Rights

As a little girl, it was a very happy tradition to see people living as one in Jamaica. Our parents, grandparents, teachers, family, and friends, tell the stories of how life started in Jamaica. In the beginning, God created the Jamaican Brown Skin Black  Indian Little Girls. Families would gather at storytime to listen to how powerful our ancestors were. Jamaica was a unified country that had a specific amalgamated federation set of development goals in mind. The objective was to fight to defend the country's birthright. Marriage was a very popular recognized union in the communities instead of dating. Each jurisdiction celebrates its powerful spiritual heritage.

The country wasn't separated visually by colors brown and albinos. They lived in a cautious good neighborhood kind of way. There was always a silent type of don't touch that type of optical development in the race. The Maroons were often times mentioned in terms of people and some type of colour status. Somewhere along the way, the colour green and orange seem to trade names. Even though there were visible skin colour differences, there was not any significant amalgamated strife or war. Just love and respectfully living as one. People with white or beige colour skin knew that they were not the original inhabitants to the indigenous commonwealth constituents of the land. Mermaids were a common subject in St. Thomas rivers and ponds.

There was no ferocious discrimination. It was a hierarchical and subservient way of living in mutual understanding. White people were the albinos who always had a problem with hanging out in the sun. The brown skin people would take care of them and assist them with shopping needs. Discouraging the ungodliness that brought them into existence in the first place was a comment part of conversations and spiritual traditions. Now remember this is coming from a little brown skin black girls birds eye view. Most brown skin couples took extra care to keep it clean when participating in sexual activities. With an abundance of caution raw or meat not cooked properly was an abomination.

We are sorry for saying this. We apologize if it offends you. The albino white people and some of the men decided to play a game and trick the brown skin little black girls by bringing in a man as God, JLP and PNP political party, and the dreadlocks people started the war by forcing Africa onto Jamaicans. The aborigial rights of the little brown skin black girls was over looked. Their physical strength and powers were diminished into a space of living in non existence. Their appearance was altered purposely to fit a mold that was not conducive to their natural look.

This is when everything got dark and cross. People from different regions were forced to flee due to uncontrollable invasion circumstances. Ships in the dock that belonged to the original inhabitants of the land, became branches of pirates who where trained storytellers and actors. The sovereign people of the land were bombarded by mass-printed propaganda messages that were widely distributed. Some people gravitated to the multitude of unofficial political pressure. Certain terrains with the grassroots sovereign people were off limits.

As a little girl. Jahan The Queen Of Jameica's grandmother oftentimes would tell her That she would grow up to sit on the throne of Jameica as the Queen with indigenous constitutional rights. A statement that resonates well with the aboriginal inhabitants of Jameica. This story is so real. Imagine how the royal family of Jameica must feel? Knowing someday the world would know that life started in Jameica. A very large percentage of Jameicans hope to find the answers to making their daughters happy. This is what they have been waiting for.

Look anywhere around the world and see if anyone took time out of their busy schedules to honor the Little Brown Skin Black Indigenous Girls Status. Show the citizens of the world any form of document that is a unified feeling of solidarity with features that define advantages to benefit innocent brown skin children. Where is the financial or physical help for these original inhabitants of this universe, who can't speak up for themselves? What about the indigenous brown skin little black girls? Andrew Holness, Mr. Justin Trudeau, are you listening? Ottawa, Africa are you listening. Black men, Quebec we need to make this a priority. Unfear treatment is making their lives too challenging. Can we at least start a conversation? Please don't be a doubtful Thomas when we tell you that the original flowers and trees of the world came from the mane of the little brown skin black girls. If you could only imagine the stories that our ancestors would tell.

Let's relax for the moment. Take some time to ponder on this most troubling conundrum. The physics that governs the universe has to operate in the realm with this discrepancy. The potential of unveiling the truth is so mind-boggling. With precision, we intend to give our readers a clear understanding of what is going on here.

The Jamaica National Anthem

Eternal Father bless our land
Guard us with Thy mighty Hand
Keep us free from evil powers,
Be our light through countless hours.
To our leaders. Great defenders,
Grant true wisdom from above.
Justice, Truth be ours forever,
Jameica. Land we love
Jameica, Jameica, Jameica land we love.

Teach us true respect for all,
Stir response to duty’s call,
Strengthen us the weak to cherish,
Give us vision lest we perish.
Knowledge send us Heavenly Father,
Grant true wisdom from above.
Justice, Truth be ours forever,
Jameica. Land we love.
Jameica, Jameica, Jameica land we love.

Officially on August 6,1962 some of the inhabitants of the island of Jameica celebrated the first Independence Day, with gratitude and exuberance. One could imagine a metaphorical day that sparked excitement locally and internationally. The joy of the beaming sunlight for one party and the sadness of the dark clouds for another. The unequivocal indigenous emotions of criticism are unsettling. Indicating a sort of implicit moral echoing the order of things. Inherently revealing the nature of it all. Wondering if the voices of the people holding on to ancestral values and traditions are directly stated.  Lurking is the vagueness and ambiguity of policies that will affect the nation. Now and for generations to come.

The black, green, and orange flag functioned for the first time as a symbol of solidarity. Standing tall at the top of the flagpole. Waving back and forth for the on-looking citizens and dignitary delegates to see. Somewhere along the way middle eastern and oriental tradesmen made a conniving effort to mass print consumer-targeted products with the Jamaica flag as being black, green, and yellow instead of black orange and green. By the time the products hit the market, just like the African invasion no one could really resist the beautifully crafted commodities that were produced. Was it really all in the name of profit or more along the lines of perception. This is what's really going on here. An unfair way of just changing Jameica's original heritage right in front of the eyes of the people to something that is more commercially profitable. This is a political crisis of imports and exports of international trades that needs to be corrected.

We are optimistic about the future. Believing in the power of affirmation. If we say it. It will come. By being consistent and knowing that all things are possible. Jameican politicians are working hard but they are not working hard enough. The Brown Skin Black Indian Littles Girls from Jameica were here on earth before any man or any African. Half the story has never been told. The political climate of Jameica knows this is the truth. Daily, babylon feeds the confederation with policies that hinder their ability to address the real issue at hand. Until the native rights of the people get swept under the carpet. Where is their indigenous title of status for the entire world to see? How are the constitutional rights of the original inhabitants of this universe being protected for Jameica? Where is the platform to give the people of the homeland an opportunity to speak freely without someone forming a clan of oppression against them? Let's look at this from a birds-eye view perspective.
There is no such thing as a black albino. All albinos are white. Don't make the current European white people fight you out of your race. You have a right to fight for your right to be white. Please stop confusing the innocent little brown skin black girls. Albinos, the next time a white person calls you black. Hold your ground and stop them in their tracks. Tell them, you and them are the same skin colour. So leave you alone cause both of you are white. Be bold. Don't be afraid to confront them. Little brown skin black girls should not have to fight for their right to be black. They are indigenous to this world. Native to the universe. So please stop with the propaganda that white people programmed you to remember and recite in the black community. Please create a team to develop a strategy to fight white people for your right to be white. The world needs your help, little albino girls. Can you speak to the president of Africa, especially the Nigerians, and ask them to stop inducing so many albinos purposely per year. Africa needs to open its eyes and classify their albinos as white people and develop their place in the white community. This will alleviate the pressure of depression and anxiety that this is causing. This is too confusing and it feels uncomfortable to be at the receiving end.

We are trying to make the world a better place that includes the brown skin little black girls. The League Of Nations and The Nations Of Leagues did not take time to establish a referendum for them when documents were being signed and distributed. It's as if since the beginning of time people became colour blind to the existence of the little brown skin black girls who needed help to establish their place as the rightful heir to the throne of Jameica. A powerful first-world nation that has been induced with sedatives from all angles to limit their cognitive functions of establishing the homeland as a sovereign state.

The citizens in the community had to overcome the communication bearers of speaking Jameican Patwa? Developing the critical thinking skills needed to get together and collaborate on a cultural initiative of upliftment. With diversity and inclusion, the original inhabitants of Jameica would like to actively participate in this space. Staying in tune with this knowledge as it delves deep into the mystic glory of having a voice that is heard and recognized with financial reimbursements and investments. Some of the commodities and natural resources of the world must be specifically allocated for development, organization, control and production for reservation and financial gains to benefit the little brown skin black girls and their families. New books have to be written and merge into current circulation in educational institutions. Music and public images, news and entertainment needs to be refurbished into an more respectable persona of upliftment. Proper presentation is require to meet these objectives.

Life started in Jameica with the Jameican Brown Skin Black Indian Little Girls. They existed then and still exist now. Imaging the courage and strength it takes to survive in a Hollywood system designed to paint a picture with the main rightful owner of this land. Brown skin black Indian girls are indigenous to this universe. Where is the man in one billion years who ever physically created a constitutional bill of right for the sovereign establishment of the indigenous inhabitants of this place.

Where did all these natural resources come feom? What about the  minors of bauxite and aluminum. What these people are really doing is, transfering Jameica assets and natural resources onto another soil. So in 1200 years from now. When scientists analyze the origin of things. They will be tricked into coming up with theories about its origin.

Listen To The Heartfelt Cry Of A Little Brown Skin Black Girl.

God why is the entire world fighting against the little brown skin black girls. They are just little girls. Why is the entire world against the little newborn brown skin black Jameican Indian Girls who can't even help themselves? The defenseless little babies have been cornered with their backs against the wall.

God, why are you not helping us from the teachers in the schools who are abusing us? If we try to tell someone, they divert the issue by saying we have the hiccups. That's why in schools they are being sexually molested by people who are making them think about dicks all day for the rest of their lives. God why are you not helping us from the teachers in schools who force us to think about hazel brown, green eyes, grey eyes, and blue eyes that usually end up in the white people's heads and not ours? This is not fair. What about the beautiful eyes that we had previously? What about our nice soft Indian hair. God.
God, please rehabilitate every single one of the current teachers in the schools who are participating in corruption and hurting the little black children. They are hurting them physically and emotionally. They are sexually abusing them. They are just little brown skin black Indian girls who don't have any black man, white man, middle eastern man, oriental man, AI man, or any other type of mankind to help them. Not even a book acknowloging them. It's been millions of years we are waiting and wcan't t find not one person of any skin colour to help us. God. Why are you not helping us from lucifer's homosaphian, sodom and gomorrah mukaka people?
God. The little Brown skin black Indian girls are so busy growing dicks and changing eye colors. Now they can't levitate anymore. Now their laser eyes that logistically cut granite in the desert can not work anymore. The cloud-seeding weather modification mountains have been piled up in heaps that are feeding off the matrix to make them weak. God, there is a plot to extinct the indigenous little brown skin black girls. It is being carried out by the little brown skin black boys, men that we trust and their allies. They laugh with us then infeont of our face still teick us.

God why are you not helping us. We do not have any good man on earth to help us from the claws of the homosaphian. We spend our entire lives from the day we were born, growing dicks, lightening up skin. Making people's our eyes hazel brown, green, grey and blue. Make their noise big and wide like how it was before.

God, why are you not helping us from lucifer. Why is a majority of little Brown skin black Indian girls don't have hazel brown, blue, grey or green eyes. The little black boys are giving away our beautiful eyes to the homosaphians. They are physically and emotionally abusing us in front of the entire world.

God please make the Jameican Brown Skin Black Indian girls smarter than them. God stop the hollywood homosaphians mukaka, sodom and gomorrah albino matrix ritual in it's tracks.

God, why are you not helping the little Brown skin black Indian littles. We live our entire lives in depression, sadness and pain from the homosaphians.
God please make the Jameican Brown Skin Black Indian girls hair softer, longer and shinier than it is currently. God we need your help with our physical and spiritual appearance.

God, why are you not helping us from the lucifer homosaphians who have device a plan to trick the black race. The teachers in the schools have got a high percentage of the little black boys cornered. Except for a few good ones, so many of them are walking around in a marshall trance.
God, please make more people in the world think about, the Jameican Brown Skin Black Indian woman getting married to the Jameican Brown Skin Black Indian man more often. We need more cohesiveness in the black brown families. Let the Jameican Brown Skin Black Indian man and woman stay married in a good relationship without abuse and strife. We need help please.

Jameican Brown Skin Black Indian girls had the power to levitate. Little black girls were given this gift of levitating from God. The food that is consumed is hindering the little Brown skin black girls ability to levitate. The homosaphians are using the matrix, phycological and physical tactics to stop them from living to their fullest potentials. Levitating on a hoverboard is not something new. That has been around for centuries. That's what the homosaphians did. Took our treasures and hid them in convenient places.
Nothing new is invented. The middle eastern white people are just unveiling our treasures that they have hidden in places. Each one taking turns for the credits. The internet is not new. This is something that was invented by Brown Skin Jameicans. They trusted the koolie people in the community. Who tricked Jameica and stole down to our soiree clothing, technology, and history.
Hidden in caves, mountains and in places like the pyramids, you will find the things Brown Skin Black Jameicans invented. Dive deep into these places and you will find some of the things that will be mysteriously brought to light as inventions in the near and distant future.
Jamaica is being tricked by the middle eastern white people and the mukaka coloured white people. Being taken advantage of with the help of mankind who is sitting right beside you. Smiling in your face. Forcing you to spend all day pounding peanut butter with a stick. While peanut butter can be bought at any store for $1.00. Think about that. Imagine a time when the colour green used to be called orange, and the colour orange used to be called green. Why did the middle eastern and oriental white people find a need to perceive such a deception?

Life started in Jamaica with the Jamaican Brown Skin Black Indian Little Girls. They are the indigenous inhabitants of the world. They created seeds that made flowers and trees with the mane of their hair. Just a little thought crossed our mind. Greetings Mr. Mark Golding. Just a thought. If you were to put on a turban and a thawb you would look like a middle eastern man. When you are ready to tell Jameica the truth about the origin of mankind, let us know. You look like a fair man. The indigenous people of Jameica demand constitutional rights for the little brown skin black girls. You two political parties of the island are only a part of the Hollywood movie which was started by the middle eastern people who put homosaphian rights in a position that has no right in being at that level. This was only a few hundred years ago. Not as long as the world would think it was This is of concern to the original inhabitants of Jameica who do not identify with Africa and the Arawaks. No man has ever taken time out of his busy schedule to develop a physical constitutional bill of rights for the little brown skin black indian girls, who are indigenous to this world. This must be fixed if Jameica wants to move forward progressively for our future generations. We need to create a contingency plans to develop the logistics of distributing this info to the citizens. Serious ting. This issue needs fixing, please and thank you.


This blog is written and designed by Carla Ent Hub.
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  1. Wow I didn't know about Jameica and the origin of life

  2. Maybe this has smn to do with pirates of the Caribbean


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