Sovereign Entertainment

Jameica The Place To Be

The most important meal of the day is breakfast. The reason why you need to fuel up in the morning is because the energy needed to get started on the right path each day is essential to boost the active levels of cognitive functions in the body.


The summertime is my favorite season because the weather is so lovely. People are out and about. Flowers and trees are blooming. The grass is greener and the colours in the neighborhood look so vibrant.


There is a storm brewing in Jamaica. Now let's see. What is a good name for such a meteorological event? How about Changes 22? We wonder if that name conforms with the regulatory metalogical procedures of classifying the supplemental names of storms. What a brilliant twist in the name of Jesus. High five. Baby girl. Let's throw some shade on those two-faced friends who use the matrix to conjure up catastrophic phenomena that reek havoc wherever they go. Old crosses we call them. That's a point well taken. Let's emphasize the importance of the new generation of gospel music. Ready and willing to trample satan. A niche that is rich with prospective listeners, awaiting the sounds of something clean, fun, and exciting.

If you check the stats. Changes 22 dropped some very good music. This must be the rise of the crossover era. No pun intended. Coincidentally. That is the title of the two lead singles from off the most melodic, catchy, fast-paced gospel tracks out of Jamaica currently. "The Rise" and "Crossover" from out of the The World Change record camp, delves deep into the masterpiece of a young budding artist. Well-seasoned in her prime. Her flow is impeccable. The delivery is on point. The bassline incorporates dancehall with a hip-hop beat. A rhythmic style that sounds truly amazing.

The lyrics tell a story of betrayal by a friend who likes to smile in your face while offering up sacrifices, disguised in the form of gifts smoked screened in a scandal bag. Telling the tales of the whimsical sorcerers who spin out the spirits of the guard rings to do evil. A never-ending battle with demons results in a karate chop that concurs the underground sea creature. The lockness monsters that lure innocent victims into their sinister web of frustration. This story is one that resonates well with local Jamaican voodoo victims who fall prey to the snares of lucifer's claws.

As soon as you hear this song you can differentiate it from other gospel songs. Its unique perspective in a comical way is a fresh idea that can go beyond boundaries. A fully functional soldier in Christ. God is so amazing. Actively setting a bar that defines a multifaceted level for up-and-coming gospel artists to use as a measuring stick to develop their brand. Just like a breath of fresh air. In a space that could sometimes be so overbearing. The way she frolics around with the camera. You can tell she is quite comfortable in that place. Her appearance is quite simple. Just an uncomplicated church girl on her way to worship in the name of Jesus. With an impressive eloquent style that gives the feeling of a college student enjoying compass life. On a mission to show the new generation the wonders of the glory of God. The future to come. She seems quite enthusiastic about being a vessel that carries the message to the people. Hope she knows this is a battlefield out here. It shouldn't have to be that way. But, it is what is it.

Representing The Countries Of The World

*Asia The Place To Be
*Africa The Place To Be
*North America The Place To Be
*South America The Place To Be
*Antarctica The Place To Be
*Europe The Place To Be
*Australia The Place To Be


This blog is written and designed by Carla Ent Hub.
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  1. Jamaica is heading in the right direction

    1. That's a good way to stay optimistic about the future

  2. Following this link below to help us with a financial donation. If you enjoy reading this story, please help us to continue creating more original content. Thank you in advance for your support.


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